Welcome to Equilibrium in Menopause

Helping women navigate midlife and menopause to rediscover their purpose, self identity, confidence reconnect with themselves and others. . 

My goal is to help you find balance and harmony in mind, body and soul during this natural transition in life.

A holistic approach to wellbeing, embracing cognitive, humanistic and positive psychology, neuroscience, mindfulness and meditation. 

How I can Help You

Equilibrium in Menopause

Equilibrium in Menopause program sessions are available as a 1-1 VIP option and as a limited member group program, both of which are tailored to your individual needs, focusing on managing symptoms and improving overall psychological, emotional, spiritual and physical well-being.

Hormonal Balance Group Workshops

Join our workshops to learn about the impact of hormones during menopause and discover strategies to achieve hormonal balance.

Mindfulness and Well-being Group Workshops

Practice mindfulness and well-being techniques to reduce stress, improve sleep, and enhance your overall quality of life during menopause.

About Equilibrium in Menopause

Equilibrium in Menopause is founded on the belief that menopause is a natural and transformative phase of life, although it can feel as though you have been suddenly thrust blindfold, into a desert storm without a map! It can become bewildering as you try to piece together the puzzle that peri-menopause brings, all the while questioning yourself as you experience brain fog, forgetfulness, hot flashes and insomnia.

The physiological and psychological challenges that menopause brings, is compounded by the onset of midlife and all the unanswered, introspective questions you may have about how your life is going so far.   

It may not feel like it, however, this is the catalyst of what can be a powerful transformation and an emergence of a more stronger 'you' as you step into living more authentically, true to your values, unique talent and passion. 

Based on the Mind-Body Connection, my approach is holistic, integrating physical, sociological, emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being, with the best practices in nutrition to aid menopausal symptoms, thus supporting the brain, mind and body.

I am committed to empowering women to embrace menopause with confidence and vitality.

“Thanks to Kathy and her amazing program, Equilibrium in Menopause, I feel more empowered and in control of my menopausal symptoms. The coaching sessions have been incredibly helpful in managing the changes in my body and mind.”

— Genevieve T.

Embracing Change: Navigating Physical Transitions During Menopause

Menopause, a natural phase of life, brings about a myriad of changes, some of which are visible on the outside. The physical transformations that women experience during this transition can greatly impact their self-esteem and body image. From fluctuating weight to changes in skin and hair texture, these shifts can pose challenges but also offer opportunities for embracing a new sense of beauty and confidence.

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